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Online consultation is recommended for new clients for microblading. We kindly request pictures of your natural eyebrows without any make-up to be sent to our email at OR TEXT US AT 630.344.3147. We will then review your pictures and give you a recommendation on which procedure would be most ideal for your look. On the day of your appointment, an in-person consultation will take place where we can discuss your eyebrows goals/expectations. Please allow reminder/notification when you make your appointment. We appreciate your time and can’t wait to work with you!

Before making your appointment, do any of these factors apply to you?​

  • Pregnant
  • Breastfeeding
  • Diabetic*
  • Taking blood thinner*

If any of these factors apply to you, it would make you ineligible for the procedure since you would be at a higher risk of getting an infection. If none of these factors apply to you, please proceed with booking your appointment.

*Please contact your doctor for a doctor’s note stating that microblading would be safe for you before booking your appointment

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